Davis van Bakergem founded Grove OZ Biz, LLC in 2019 for the purpose of commercializing the creation of artistic drawings through generative adversarial neural networks. Prior to the start-up company, he was a Research Fellow in the Center for Health Research and Design in the Sam Fox School of Design and Visual Arts at Washington University in St. Louis where he researched issues related to Innovations in the Design of the Workplace as well as research related to the Loft Building of the Future. In the mid-2000’s, van Bakergem was a Senior Research Fellow at University of Missouri St. Louis’ History Department where he developed the Virtual City Project funded by NEH and IMLS ($1.2M). The Virtual City enabled users to travel back in virtual time and stroll the CBD streets in St. Louis from 1850 to 1950. In the early 2000’s, van Bakergem was Senior Campus Planner at the School of Medicine, Washington University. He planned and developed the schematic design for the Farrell Learning and Teaching Center on the campus of WUSM. For two decades up to 2000, van Bakergem was the Director of the Urban Research and Design Center in the School of Architecture, Washington University. During that time, he completed numerous campus planning as well as several outside funded projects related to urban design, historic preservation and interactive digital media funded by NSF, NEA, City of St. Louis and the Greensfelder Foundation. Educational credentials: MDes, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University, MAUD, School of Architecture, Washington University, BArch, University of Virginia.